Friday, January 13, 2017


All right, already!

Last night I had an email from Baseball Steve.

He gently informed me that the sculpture in yesterday's post was NOT a Gila Monster.

Then this morning Steve in Germany emailed me the same correction.

So I stand corrected.

The sculpture is actually of another denizen of the desert:  a Phrynosoma, or a Horned Lizard.

In this part of the world, they are affectionately called Horny Toads.

So in honor of the double play by the two Steves and their perspicacity and the gentleness with which they corrected your Humble Scribe, I dedicate the first Friday Funny of this week to them.

Hey!  Was that another Horny Toad?

Oh, never mind.

Listen Gentle Readers, profit by your mistakes, have a scintillatingly superb weekend, and always, always, always, remember to keep laughing!

(And I never once mentioned what today's date is.)

Here, kitty-kitty . . .