Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Finally the heat is on.

Well not the heat but the mercury is rising and we may hit 70 today.

It's 63 just before noon and the skies are blue and the sun is shining brightly.

And that makes me happy.

You may not be able to tell it from this picture I snapped while sitting at our patio table but trust me, I am happy.

Judy sprayed the weeds in both the front and the rear yards this morning while I assisted by pulling, winding and unwinding the hose.

And I saw a couple of large ants crawling up on the patio.

Judy said they were fleeing the weed killer.

It should also kill any Covid-19 bugs in the immediate area.

But enough about death.

Wacky Wally sent me this cartoon yesterday which he designated for next Easter.

But I couldn't wait that long.

I hope you all had a nice Easter, even with self-isolation going on.

Stay well, stay home and wash your hands.