Monday, April 17, 2023


 April and May and June are big birthday months in our family.

The BRD's birthday was nearly a week ago.

My son's birthday was yesterday.

My birthday is coming up in less than a week.

SWMBO's birthday is next month.

Our younger daughter's birthday is in June.


After all that, plus our wedding anniversary, it's little wonder that we are exhausted.

Not only that.

I heard from my son late last night, saying that he had not done much on his birthday yesterday.

Just entertained the grandchildren in the afternoon.

The GRAND-children!

That means our GREAT-grandchildren.

Talk about making a guy feel old!

So we went out to a Mexican restaurant this afternoon . . . Judy and I and Gayle . . . to celebrate multiple trips around the sun.

It was good, actually great.

The Margaritas were fine.

The food was wonderful and much of it came home with us.

So how did we look afterward?

With apologies to the BRD, whose picture I neglected to take . . . first SWMBO, whom I know you all want to see.

And then your faithful scribe.

So now you know.

Older, wiser, battered by wind and sea, but standing athwart the years.

Bring 'em on!