Friday, June 16, 2017


The heat is on, Gentle Readers.

The Weather Gods tell us it will be 95 today with the mercury steadily climbing day by day until topping out at 105 next Tuesday and Wednesday.

Now I know this is Arizona and we all here say "but it's a dry heat" but for my area, which is at around a 5,000 foot elevation, that is hot.

I'm just glad I moved back from Phoenix, where it is forecast to reach 121 by Tuesday.

And this is only June!

So with all that in mind let us start this week's edition of the Friday Funnies with this public service announcement from a cooler time.

So, with detente in the picture, we bid adieu to you.

Have an excruciatingly fine and cool weekend and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Oh, come on, willya . . .)