Tuesday, December 30, 2014


SWMBO took a couple of photos of our big black cat, Blackwell, enjoying a partial sun bath this morning.

Even with his black fur coat, he seeks out the sun shining through the patio window every morning and soaks up the warmth.

He seems to have about the same attitude as SWMBO when a camera is pointed in his direction.  Unsure of what is to come next, a bit surly about being the attention of that dratted "thing".

Not so when I took a close-up shot of him the other day as he was in his favorite cold weather spot.  On my or SWMBO's lap.  One cannot take a seat in the recliner without Blackwell hopping up to revel in the warmth of another body and usually, go to sleep.

He looks kind of mean in these photos, especially with his cropped ear which he got from a lady veterinarian's helper who, being told he was feral, thought he would be outside and offered that as identification.  She asked me if I wanted his ear "notched" and I said yes, thinking they would just take a tiny snip out of it.  I was horrified when I saw what they had done.  

But Blackwell took it all in stride and, in spite of the "look" in these photos, he is a sweetheart. My buddy or as SWMBO says when he follows me around the house, "here comes your dog."