Sunday, November 13, 2022


 Gentle Readers, you are reaping this week.

Today I'm bringing you a special bonus edition of The Friday Funnies.

You could call them The Sunday Snickers.

And since they're all about food that might be a great title.

You're getting them for two reasons.

Number one is because I am over the moon about the results from the mid-term election so far.

And Number two because one of my Faithful Purveyors . . let's call her Gleeful Gayle . . sent me a huge batch of memes this morning.

As I have often written here, you don't need to thank me for bringing you a constant stream of humor every week.

Compliment my suppliers who keep the Humor Bank/Banque full of comedy.

So with that, let's take a look at this collection I think of as "What's Eating You?"!!!

Have a fine rest of your weekend, friends!