Friday, March 12, 2021


 I'm in Arizona.

It's snowing.

Are you laughing?

Then I'm off to a good start.

Yes, Gentle Readers, it's the end of another week and many of you (Judy and I included) are fully vaccinated, the stimulus bill is passed and signed and checks will soon be in the mail (or however the funds are distributed) and Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend.

Wait a minute, that was supposed to be a good news sentence.

Oh well, it wasn't a bad week and I've got some advice especially for the ladies this morning: how to spend some of that stimulus money.

If you Trekkies and others are groaning right along I know I've done my job.

Now jump joyously but judiciously into a weekend full of juxtapositioned jollifications, maybe enjoy some jabberwocky, jaunty and jolly, without jitteriness or jealousness, and journalize about it in your own jurisdictions.

Oh, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Ah, just as I suspected!)