Saturday, May 16, 2015


We had an unwelcome pair of visitors this week.

Now let me be clear. We put out the birdbath and keep it filled with (relatively) fresh water. Every one is welcome to use it.

Even mourning doves. One of those coo-coo-coo birds was spending an inordinate amount of time at it the other day.

And that was fine. I enjoyed watching him even though their incessant call drives me somewhat crazy after awhile.

But it was when he began building a nest in the Redbud tree directly above the bird bath that I had to intervene.

It was fascinating to watch. A female was perched on a branch and the male was going to the ground, picking up small twigs and then building the nest literally around his mate while she sat docilely.

Now she may have been instructing him where to put the twigs and how she wanted them knitted together but it didn't appear like that to me.

When I told SWMBO what was going on she told me to chase them away. We did not, she said, want a couple of monotonous and noisy doves nesting that close to the house and we definitely did not want them perched directly above the bird bath. Fouling the water, shall we say.

So I chased them away and pulled down the beginnings of their nest. After my rude act of unfriendliness, they flew to someone else's tree and peace, of a sorts, was restored to Mr. Catalyst's Neighborhood.

Though I feel a tad guilty.