Saturday, December 3, 2016


Yesterday morning I was startled to see a robin come to my bird bath.

It seemed like the wrong time of year for him with temperatures in the low 40's.

I thought they usually were here in the Spring.

And then, all of a sudden, there was an entire flock of robins.

At one time, there must have been 7 or 8 in the tree just above the bird bath and they scrapped to see who could use it.

SWMBO said they must have just stopped in as they were migrating to Mexico for the winter.

This guy above first drank, then got into the water and sat looking around and then began a thorough bath.

His vigorous splashing had water flying everywhere.

At the same time the yard filled with what seemed like dozens of tiny birds pecking for seeds on the ground and ravaging the sage brush.

I didn't get photos of them but I think from my guide to Arizona birds that they were bushtits.

All in all it was a bird-lover's heaven for a little while.