It is festival time in Arizona. SWMBO and I traveled in to Prescott today to spend some time at the 29th annual Prescott Bluegrass Festival. Good music.
The festival was held on the courthouse square in the heart of town and a good crowd was on hand.
As is common at such events, there was a plethora of dogs in attendance.
This big fellow was very calm and sat quietly by his master, looking on with interest but barely twitching when other dogs big and small walked by.
Just across the walk, this much smaller fellow couldn't stop his tag from wagging.
There were even a couple of "hot dogs" in attendance. The girl runs a hot dog shop on the square and was trying to drum up some business.
And to top off a juicy hot dog, what is better than some delicious ice cream.
As is common in Prescott some costumed people were in attendance. This pair was selling raffle tickets.
And a couple of young lads had freshly drawn-on eyeglasses from a nearby shop.
At any festival in summertime Arizona, one can see an amazing collection of tee shirts. But this one was my favorite!
I hope you're attending a festival in your neighborhood this summer!