Saturday, March 2, 2019


These are some of the famous painted critters which you can see all around Sedona.

They were created some years ago as an answer to Chicago's Cows on Parade.

They are Arizona's famous wild javelinas which, in spite of the resemblance, are not pigs.

They're part of a family of hoofed animals that originated in South America.

Their Spanish name comes from their tusks, which resemble javelins.

They are smelly, hairy and short-tempered beasts that will attack dogs if they're being harassed and sometimes humans.

Two Sedona residents who had been feeding javelinas were treated last year after they were bitten, apparently when the food didn't come fast enough.

So if you see some of the real thing, keep yourselves and your dogs well away.

Better just to enjoy the whimsically painted sculptures in Sedona.