Sunday, October 9, 2022


 Our new abode is starting to feel more like our home and less like a warehouse.

Judy has been attacking our back yard lately, now that most of the boxes are empty.

We (mostly she) got the arbor in place yesterday.

For some unknown reason the soil here is very rocky and a lot of scraping a place and sinking the legs was involved.

Our first attempt was foiled by a micro-burst that came through with an intense rain storm a week or so ago.

But somehow the honeysuckle plant survived being moved a few miles from our previous home while attached to the arbor and then lying on its side for a couple of weeks.

That's it on the left.

Our poor wisteria plant, on the right, survived an even rougher transplantation hanging its head in shame until Judy got it attached to the arbor today.

Now we'll see what the new location will do to them.

And for Jager, who expressed concern about the blue birdbath a couple of weeks ago, and for you others, here it is in its new location.

As far as we know it hasn't had any visitors yet but it's only been located for a few hours and it may take some time for the birds to discover it and get used to it.

I mentioned the rocky soil and the somewhat battle-scarred old Blue Cat has found a pedestal to curl up on but I suspect that's a temporary location.

He seems his usual unconcerned self, looking on at all the activity by his Crazy Humans with bemusement.

So our outer area is coming along.

Now we can turn our attention to some serious plumbing issues inside.

As always, stay tuned.