Friday, November 21, 2014


I'm going to start off today with a lesson in Hollywood science in the form of a pie chart.

Now moving right along to another type of science - archaeology.

Here are a couple on politics.

Then, of course, there are the blessings of the season.

Feeling sorry for yourself yet?

Maybe if he was just a bit older we could offer him a jigger of rum!

Speaking of pirates . . .

Since Thanksgiving is nearly upon us and the Christmas season is barking at its shoes, I guess it's not too late for New Year's Day and those damned  inevitable resolutions that will have been made, some of you us may need a place for help with them.

And finally, lest they claw the furniture to shreds . . . the cats!

Thanks to many contributors this week.  Have a fruitful weekend, folks, and always, always keep laughing.