Sunday, June 3, 2018


SWMBO has been a tad amazed by the reactions expressed here on her "little painting project".

The work continues, the view improves and her mind is shuttling through ideas for the rest of the fence mural.

But today, she's taken the day off to spend with the Sunday New York Times so I'll just show the progress to date.

As you will note, there is no whitewash on this fence (yet), possibly because when she was beginning I warned her not to pull a "Tom Sawyer" on me!


In another corner of the yard there is an elevation that had a large pot with an artificial tree in it surrounded by large (and heavy) rocks.

We had placed a colored birdbath bowl we weren't using and a small monk statue up there but SWMBO had a more ambitious plan in her mind and had already tipped and rolled some of the boulders down the slope.

Fearing another fall, I then entered the act (yes, Jager, I got off my . . . er . . . duff) and began arranging them per her instructions.

It is a work in progress.

Originally, Judy had planned a yin/yang symbol out of black and white pebbles in the center of "the eye" but abandoned that idea when she was unable to find black stone at any of the building supply stores.

She had thought perhaps the colorful birdbath might go in the center but "we'll see".

As I said, it's a work in progress and you'll note that a new (and real) viney plant has been placed to grow up on the old artificial tree limbs.

So we continue, trying to make something out of a pretty barren back yard.

Stay tuned.