Thursday, June 7, 2012


Well, looky here, my old buddy Tom has given me another award.  This one is "The Illuminating Blogger Award."

Well now, Thomas, thanks for the award.  You can read Tom's writing and see some of his photos at his blog Light Breezes.

By the way, the award was created by C.J. at Food Stories.

Now, a random fact about me: I am older than most of you but still have most of my own hair and it's only looking gray under harsh fluorescent lighting.

I am supposed to nominate five other people for the award.  Let me start with Kitty at Kitty Kat Photography.  An English lass with remarkable photographic skills.  You'll like her photos.

Then from across the pond to right here at home.  A blogger in my very own town, Judy at Prescott Area Daily Photo.  Again a fine photographer with a great eye for finding the unique pictures.

Then there's the irrepressible Cupcake Murphy at Odd, Good, True.  Her take on life is simply hilarious and you'll enjoy her "tales" of Cooper, the family pet and actor.

Now we venture down to the land of Oz.  Meggie is a Kiwi but has lived in Australia for years.  She's had a tough last year but maintains her sense of humor (and outrage) at her blog Life's Free Treats.

And finally, I'd like to nominate a fairly recent addition to bloggerdom, Jager at You've Got a Lot to Learn.  Jager (that's an assumed name) is opinionated, sometimes foul-mouthed, but comes up with some remarkable blog postings.  Try him.

O.K.  I've done my duty.  The rest is up to you.