Friday, March 1, 2024


 So there I was, dozing in the Arms of Morpheus, thinking "I didn't do the Friday Funnies yesterday and schedule them to publish early this morning."

But feeling incredibly lazy I decided I'd just grab a few more winks.

And then.

And Then.


I finally got up, turned on my computer and nothing happened.

I got some weird messages that said it wouldn't boot up and after fussing with it for some time I got in touch with my computer genius, who I refer to as Saint Rick.

He said to bring it over and awhile later I did.

He fixed it in about 30 seconds.

I won't go into the details.

They're too embarrassing.

But anyway, on this first day of March, FINALLY, here are my snippets of silliness for the week.

And that my dear and patient friends, is it!

The very late but ridiculously laughable items for this Friday.

(where it's still Friday)

Now don't let YOUR computers jam up on you this weekend and make it a memorable one.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oh, yeah, I've been there . . . )


 Sorry, no Funnies.

Computer is down.