Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pardon me

This year, the BRD and her beau are coming over for Thanksgiving Dinner. But SWMBO decided to follow the examples of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin, both of whom have been on television this week pardoning turkeys. However, I've seen the White House menu. Turkey! And Governor Palin announced shortly after her pardon act (in front of a turkey slaughtering plant) that she would be responsible for the Thanksgiving turkey at her house.

But, I digress.

SWMBO announced that this year the main entree at our house will be . . . Stuffed Pork Loin. Mmmmmmmmmm. Don't get me wrong. I love turkey. But SWMBO hates picking the carcass after the meal. And she does wonders with pork loin. Plus the additional items are all in the Thanksgiving tradition. I even made a few of the smaller items myself!

So, Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your turkey, pork or . . . like a friend in neighboring Prescott . . . Chinese meal this year.