Thursday, June 21, 2018


In case by some weird occurrence you haven't heard this yet, give it a listen.

The woman is 57 year old (!!!) Regina Ballard, a front desk receptionist at a North Carolina high school.

She announced the beginning of summer break this way.

What pipes!

As SWMBO said, she may not be a receptionist for long.


In case you didn't believe those high temperatures recently, or those tornadoes, or those flood-causing downpours . . . here's the news.

Summer is here.

As the sun rose over Stonehenge and the crowds of tourists, Wiccans and Druids the Summer Solstice began.

I don't have any stone monoliths like those to worship but we will share in the longest day of the year.

What that means is 14 hours and 29 minutes of sunlight today.

Sunrise was at 5:16 this morning and the glowing orb won't sink until 7:45 this evening.

The weather gods tell us the mercury will rise to 91 degrees Fahrenheit (about 33 Celsius) at the official weather station at the Prescott Airport.

That's around 6 miles from where I live and a bit higher in elevation which means it will be warmer here.

SWMBO would say "hotter" but I prefer "warmer" as a less perjorative term.

When we repair to the patio to sit and gawk at study the muralized fence I also prefer to describe the still 80+ degree evenings as "balmy".

She would more likely describe ME as "balmy", in a different definition of the word.


Happy Summer to you all.

Don't forget your sun screen!