Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I'm sorry.  

I can't think of anything worthwhile to blog about these days.  

It's temporary.  

I hope.


Be patient with me.

Or maybe just ignore me.

I'll be back.

Some day.

Friday, October 18, 2013


Poor doggie!

This next one is from cartoonist Gary Varvel of the Indianapolis Star.

Interesting comment on the week's news, eh?

You might take this next one as a similar comment, if you like.

And finally, turn up your sound for this next one.  It's pretty darn remarkable.  The crew on board the Bourbon Peridot off the coast of Equatorial Guinea in West Africa takes their turn at lip-synching "Africa" by Toto.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Awhile back when writing about my o-o-o-l-d friend, Karl Kindberg, I made a couple of errors, he was prompt to inform me yesterday.  First of all, he has NOT had two hip replacements and one knee replacement.  He has had ONE hip replacement and TWO knee replacements.  Second of all, when he was a cast member on the Ozzie and Harriet Show his name was not "Biff", as I stated.  It was "Dink", he told me.  Now if those were the two choices, I think I'd let history believe it was Biff.  But that's his affair.

I don't think I made any other errors but I'm sure "da guys" will let me know if I did.

Let's see, what other trouble can I get into.  Oh, yeah.

By the way, the Houston Chronicle in an editorial today, apologized for endorsing Cruz for the Senate a year ago.

Meantime in the baseball playoffs the National League teams St. Louis and Los Angeles will return to St. Louis for the final one or two games. The Cardinals lead the best of seven series 3 games to 2.  They won both games one and two on their home field.

I hope the rest of your week is pleasant.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I know, I know, you're all tired of hearing about my o-l-d buddies from years back.  But listen here.  It's my blog and I'll put anything on it that I like.  So here's a picture of four old geezers taken just this afternoon.

All four are graduates of KPNX-TV in Phoenix.  They are, from left to right, the Legendary Lew Ruggiero, the Studly Steve Torbeck, King Karl Kindberg, and your not-so-humble-correspondent.

As has been noted elsewhere, only Lew had the good sense to wear long pants.  

The occasion was a gathering at Karl's house to encourage him, after his recent knee transplant surgery, not to take his own life . . . in spite of, now, two knee surgeries and one hip transplant.  Let's face it . . . the man is bionic!

But enough about them.  Take a look at my grandson and his wife, who are ON VACATION IN IRELAND!!!  (How do these kids get their money, anyway?)

Kayla, with her fair skin and that head of red hair, and Rusty, with that red beard, truly look like a couple of real Irish-folk.  Actually, I don't know if either one of them have a drop of Irish blood but they certainly won't have to beg for a free bottle of Guiness in Ye Olde Country.

And finally, just to set the Bug's mind at ease about rabbit pie . . . a photo of My Favorite Bunny, still hopping along that bunny trail.

That's all.  G'nite, folks.

Monday, October 14, 2013


One morning in my back yard recently, there was a . . .

. . . bunny!

He may have been after this . . .

. . . but it was inside, safe on the dinner table.

So . . . a bit of InterWebs philosophy . . .

Saturday, October 12, 2013


Neither SWMBO nor I are of Greek ancestry, at least not that we know, but we can remember enjoying the annual Greek Festivals held in Phoenix in the past so today we traveled to the grounds of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral for their 53rd annual Greater Phoenix fest.

There was lots of jewelry for sale.

There was Greek music and folk dancing, performed by a talented group of youngsters.

We took a tour of the Cathedral and heard an interesting talk about the religion.  We were invited but not pressured to attend a liturgical service.

Beautiful stained glass windows inside.

And, of course, there was Greek food for sale everywhere.

SWMBO had a Greek-spiced and grilled beef Gyro sandwich.  The beef was topped with tzatziki, tomato and onion.

And I feasted on a lamb shank (a treat I discovered years ago in a Detroit restaurant) which had been roasted with tomato, fresh garlic and Greek spices, and we shared a delicious bowl of Kalamata olives.

Of course we had to wash it down with some Greek beer and I had to start the day with a shot of Ouzo.  

All in all a fun time with a group of fun-loving people.  If you happen to be in Phoenix the festival continues Sunday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Friday, October 11, 2013


These are all courtesy of the BRD.  But . . . the Interwebs rule!
First, those caring doves.

This is why I don't go to movie theatres.

I prefer my C-pap machine to this cure.

Yeah, we all remember those days, don't we?

I've seen different versions of this before.  I don't know if Willie ever said it.  But he could have.

And finally, while this isn't really my cat, I can sympathize.