Sunday, December 10, 2017


Some of you have commented how the blue color of our bird bath/drinking pond matches nearly perfectly the color of the blue jays that visit it.

Some others of you may wondered about my constant photographing and displaying their visits to said bath/pond.

It goes back.

Way, way, way back to the days of my youth in a small town in northwestern North Dakota where I was born and raised.

The town's name was Stanley and the nickname of the school's sports teams was . . . well, I bet you guessed it, didn't you?

I never was on any of the teams but, as I think I've said here before, I was the tallest student manager in the state.

And I still remember the "fight song".

Stanley Blue Jays
Hats off to thee
Your name, your fame
spreading from sea to sea.
Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah,
Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah,
H'ray for the white and blue!

So forgive this alumnus of 1958 for his favoring the blue jays in his yard.

It runs deep.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017


Good morning Gentle Readers.

Wait!  There's Breaking News!

Glad we got that out of the way.

Seems like I'm getting afraid to turn on the television or the computer these days.

Ah well, let us forget about all of those travails and get to some righteous humor.

No, that's not what I meant.

I think it is time once again to explore the various ways real live human beings have chosen to act around statues.

Whew!  I know what you're thinking.

People confronted by statuary seem to have either a violent or a romantic thought.

Well, one last guy had a different notion and I think he's my favorite this week.

That was a bigger than normal selection but I just decided to clean out the files a little bit.

Now get out there and have a wonderful, fun-der-full weekend, Gentle Readers, and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Oh, everyone has to get into the act.)

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


I was in a grocery store parking lot a week or so ago and heard a very loud vehicle.

This is what it turned out to be.

It appeared to be a Do It Yourself vehicle.

The driver got out and went around to the passenger side to open the rusty door for his companion.

It took quite a tug to get it open.

The "car" looked even more unique from the rear.

A pretty strange creation.

Monday, December 4, 2017


So there it was, coming up from behind Mingus Mountain.

There were some wispy clouds in the sky which added to the effect.

I wonder if anyone else got this shot, with another planet showing.

Actually that's either a nearby light or a reflection or some other coincidental trickery of my simple camera.

A little later, from a different location, the misty clouds give it a Sherlock-and-Watson-at-night-on-the-Moors sort of look.

As I said, my camera is a simple point-and-shoot so my moon pictures are far from super.

I'm sure others with better equipment will get much better pictures and I can't wait to see them.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Saturday, December 2, 2017


On this sunny Saturday as the world prepares for tonight's viewing of the Supermoon, a look at some critters who dropped by our yard.

Old Yellow sat next to my chair and contemplated a turtle that never moved.

Then after a couple of pats and a scratch behind the ears, he rolled over to show his white belly.

That is one domesticated cat!

Less domestic but just as handsome is the Mountain Jay at the birdbath.

That's quite a beard he is so proud of.

Maybe he's getting ready to play Santa Claus.

Preparing for Supermoon, I snapped this photo last night.

It was almost full as it shone through the tree branches.

And finally, a colorful sunset shot I took recently.

It's kind of amazing what you can find right around home.

Friday, December 1, 2017


Ah, Gentle Readers, the time has come once again.

Friday AND the first day of December, all together, all at once.

And you know what that means.

Well, we all have our problems, don't we?

Maybe this weekend I'll just lie on the couch and watch Tiger Woods play golf once again.

But for you, Gentle Readers, I expect a grand weekend full of tree lighting, holiday parades and, above all, shopping.

Lots and lots of shopping.

Oh, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Uh-oh, maybe I won't lie on the couch watching tv this weekend.)

Thursday, November 30, 2017


A visiting jay this morning

SWMBO's latest creation

Sugarplum Gingerbread Cake

(with sprinkles!)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Actually it's not much to write home about, as the old expression goes.

I was an extra in a couple of movies when I lived in Austin, Texas back in the early 1990's.

But it was in pretty high company.

The first (or second, I don't remember) was a film called "A Perfect World", which starred Kevin Costner, Clint Eastwood and Laura Dern.

My big/two-second appearance on the screen was
playing an aide to "the governor".

He was played by the late Dennis Letts.

There we are together.

In typical extra fashion, I'm the one with my mouth tightly shut.

Two other extras and I were playing aides who were just supposed to stand in the background as "the governor" walked across in front of us.

(In living rooms of families, people said . . . "here it comes, oops, there it was.")

In screen grabs from the BRD's television the other day the caption on the screen summed up my movie career.

For that second or two on screen I got a handshake from Eastwood, who was also directing the movie, a steak lunch, and $75.

Oh, and sitting across a picnic table from Eastwood I watched him snap Dern's garter when she put her leg up on a bench he was sitting on and hiked her skirt up.

Nowadays he'd probably be charged with sexual harassment for that bit of horseplay.

My other film experience was with Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".

I had a couple of close-up scenes with both actors but unfortunately they both ended up on the cutting room floor.

I can be seen, briefly, very briefly, far in the background in a supermarket scene.

DiCaprio, incidentally, got his first Academy Award nomination for playing the mentally handicapped younger brother in this strange film.

Once again I got a nice lunch and a small check.

I'm still waiting for that big call from Hollywood.

But it was fun and I recommend the experience to one and all.