Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Today's post is dedicated to one of the Humor Bank's more prolific contributors, Wacky Wally.

No, that's not him.

This is:

He said that's how he looks fresh from a shower and shampoo.

In fairness to him, he does really clean up pretty good.

And he is wearing an Arizona Diamondbacks shirt.

But the beard won't last.

He's promised to shave before he holds his great-granddaughter for the first time and that happens this weekend.

Thanks for the fun, Wally, and a great Corona-19 quarantine beard.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020


Late this morning it was about 79 degrees with little to no breeze outside.


Just right for a late breakfast bowl of cereal al fresco on the patio.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Greetings, Gentle Readers.

Here we are again, searching for humor in a world gone mad.

Fortunately your Catalyst has an ever growing number of fine-spirited contributors to the Comics Bank so we can continue to bring you these weekly frolics in frivolity.

Shall we begin?

Awww, you know you laughed.

Now for the weekend: I'd love for you to languish languorously on your loveseat, languidly leering and limning your life as you look for your lagniappe.

Like it?

Have a great weekend (yes, it is still a weekend) and always remember to keep laughing.

Puns, you say?

We'll leave it to the final speaker.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, May 14, 2020

ThrowBack Thursday

Just 5 years ago The Terrific Four T's gathered together to celebrate my 75th birthday.

Timmer, Taylor, Tom, and Torbs

With a group name like that, we should go out on a World Tour once this pandemic is tamed down.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020


We used to go out to restaurants for special occasions, like birthdays.

But, given the pandemic rules, we dine at home these days.

And y'know, it's often better than the restaurant experiences.

For example, yesterday was The Wife's birthday and . . .

. . . our plates were filled with barbecued pork ribs and baked potatoes topped off with butter and salt and pepper and sour cream with garlic salt and parsley and chives!

I could eat that every day.

Except then I'd probably weigh 300 pounds!

The meal was perfection with a salad alongside.

One of Judy's specials of watermelon and mango and canteloupe with chopped mint from our herb pot gardens, as were the chives.

And garnished with an aromantic sprig of mint.

Yup, I think it was better than a restaurant meal.

And cheaper, too!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Today is the birthday of SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed), also known as Judy, your scribe's wife.

So I have dedicated today's post especially to her.

But seriously, I have loved this woman for many years and I love her still.

Is there any question why?

Happy, happy birthday, my dear Judy Girl.

Monday, May 11, 2020


Hi, folks!

Howya doin'?

Today's post is a little different.

We're actually going to post something to make you more intelligent.


Here goes.

Now I know you appreciated that brief geography lesson.

Your task for the rest of the day is to learn a foreign language

It's not as hard as you might think.

There you go, Gentle Readers.

May the rest of your day go easy for you.

Sunday, May 10, 2020


The BRD just sent me that and I decided to share it with you Gentle Readers.

On another matter, Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies out there.

Fellows, make sure she has a day of ease with a great meal capping it off.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Friday, May 8, 2020


Here in my little corner of the world, it's FRIED-DAY as the temperature soars into the upper 80's.

Record high temperatures have been sizzling the beginning of May.

But if you're living in the Northeastern U.S.A. get ready for the direct opposite this weekend as that crazy Old Man Winter pays a late visit.

But y'know what?

Since a large part of the country is quarantined in their homes it won't make any difference.

So let's get on with the real business of the day: The FUNNIES!


Okay, I see you rolling around on the floor, eyes streaming tears of laughter, holding your sides, screaming "Enough, Enough!"

I hope this extra-large edition of hilarity has left you feeling a bit better about yourselves.

Enough so that you can sit up straight, maybe even get out of your pajamas, and have yourselves a great weekend.

Always remember, no matter how dark it gets, you gotta keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(yeah, I know, I know)

Thursday, May 7, 2020


Wait a minute, are you giving me the finger?

Naaah, Mother Nature would never do that.

It's just the Spring growing season.

One of the big trees in front of our apartment is full of these things.

I guess in time they will become pine cones.

Lots of them.