Sunday, May 9, 2010

Spring on the Square

You can tell when spring has truly arrived and is heading toward summer. Not just because of the blue skies, sunny days and mild temperatures. But because the first arts event is taking place on the Square. That's the courthouse square in the center of Prescott.

Lots of vendors under their tented roofs displaying their art. You can see the courthouse through the trees.

I walked around a bit but after my trip to the Highland Games (yesterday's post), I didn't have the stamina to continue. One interesting booth had a loom set up to weave rugs like those displayed in the booth.

And can you guess what this fellow is marketing? Take a good look at his hat.

That's a replica of a humongous head of garlic clove and he was selling all kinds of garlic products.

Nice day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Highland Games

I paid a visit to the Highland Games at Watson Lake Park this morning, a festival of all things Scottish.

Gaining a lot of attention was the caber toss, in which contestants hoist a 23-foot-long wooden pole, take a few steps and try to throw it in such a way that it tumbles end over end.

It's not easy to do at all but just try doing it while wearing a skirt! O.K., I know they're called kilts and they're traditional Scottish garb. And I would never think of making fun of them. These guys are strong.

Then there are the Jacobites, who brought weapons.

There was traditional musical entertainment, provided by a group called the Knockabouts, from Flagstaff.

I couldn't help wonder if this lassy might have turned up at the wrong festival.

But the fellow wearing this shirt was definitely in the right place!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Magpie Tales -13

Ooooh, that nasty Willow. She challenges us to write a poem, a story, a vignette, or whatever based on her photo prompt. And here's what she gave us this week. And what it prompted in my somewhat crazed imagination.

Cholly was a good time guy. He always was solid for a drink and the dollies loved him. He wasn’t bad looking neither. He dressed a little too Italian for me but, y’know, some people go for those open necked shirts, gold chains and hairy chests. He always had a tan, no matter what time of year, and his teeth were sparkling white and perfect. All in all, Cholly was just about great for the front of the house.

By house, I’m talkin’ about my restaurant – Danny’s Steakhouse. We’ve been top of the heap in Delphi City for more years than I can remember. We got a great meat market in town and they give us top grade steaks, and our kitchen knows how to cook ‘em.

The bar runs great, the bartenders know what they’re doin’, we got a pretty great wine list and the drinks come out fast. The prices are moderate and everybody seems happy.

So what is my problem?

Well, it’s Cholly. Y’see he had an accident when he was a kid and he lost his left eye. One of those kid things, y’know, nothin’ to talk about really. But he ended up with a glass eye. It’s a really good one and hardly anybody ever notices it. But, y’know Cholly, he takes a drink or two through the night and sometimes more than that. Sometimes he just can’t help himself. His mouth gets the better of him, y’know.

Well, this big restaurant reviewer was in tonight and we all recognized him right away. ‘Course we didn’t let on we knew who he was but he got the best of the best from the kitchen. Appetizers, salad, entrĂ©e, side stuff, dessert, a couple of glasses of the old vino, I mean this guy was treated first class. We thought we had it in the bag, a great review and an upsurge in customers.

But then Cholly screwed the pooch. We knew the guy from the paper had noticed something different about Cholly. He had stopped by the guy’s table half a dozen times during the evening, checkin’ on his food and his wine and everything. And he’d done great. Until the guy paid his bill and got up to leave. He smiled at Cholly and said "a great evening, I’ll be back again."

And Cholly, with maybe one too many drinks under his belt, grinned and said "Great! I’ll keep an eye out for you!"


You can read more from, I hope, much more talented writers at Magpie Tales.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5 de mayo

As one of the alleged 30 percent of Arizonans who thinks the state's proposed law banning illegal immigrants (in spite of the fact that the Anglos stole the land from them in the first place) should NOT become a state law, I'd just like to wish all of you on one side or the other a most happy Cinco de Mayo!

When I realized the date, I hied myself to a restaurant currently called "Puerto Vallarta" for a Mexican lunch and a bottle of Dos Equis Amber. The BRD and SWMBO, by the way, were lunching at a Thai restaurant. No respect, I say.

Viva Mexico!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

At last

The warm weather (upper 70's) has finally arrived and the Mock Roses on the front patio have burst forth in yellow splendor.

No wonder the sun face has a smile. It echoes mine.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Calendar cat

I love this photo, and no it's not my dearly loved and departed Smoke. It's just a picture from my daily calendar.

A morning visitor

I can't help thinking doves are among nature's most stupid creatures.