Friday, November 3, 2017


Yes, it is nearing the end of the week and Spookin' Season is over.

We now enter the Regretful Season.

Don't know what that means?

Take a look.

Yup, here come the Foodies' Holidays.

So there you have it, Gentle Readers.

Might as well give in to it.

This weekend prepare for the big eating of "the holidays" by feasting well and always remember: KEEP LAUGHING!!!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Katie Lee has died.

The Arizona legend reportedly passed away peacefully in her sleep at her home in Jerome yesterday.

She was 98 years old and according to friends of hers, she was active right up until her death.

If you don't know of Katie, you really missed someone.

I met her and blogged about her a couple of times.

The first was here in a celebration of her 90th birthday.

The second time was here, only a few years ago when I had her sign a book for me that she had written.

She was a great lady with a stellar career and a strong attitude about the place in Northern Arizona called Lake Powell, coupled with a wont for salty language.

If she could have had her way, Glen Canyon Dam would have been blown up and the Colorado River allowed to run free as it once did.

Rest in peace, Katie.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Ahhhh, November

Today is the first day of November and Judy has just turned the furnace on for the first time in this house.

She said she needed to take the chill off and I can hear the device humming and feel the warm air coming through the vents.

What's next?


Well I doubt it.

That's the house I grew up in, in far-off North Dakota, just about 50 miles south of Canada.

The snow on the ground and on the trees is real.

The snow falling is fake (fake news?) put there by a Google app.

But where I live now, in Arizona, it's unlikely I'll see snow this winter.

Oh it does snow here but it's usually gone in a day or two.

And from what I hear from the Weather Gods this is likely to be a warm winter in our part of the world.

Halloween is over once again.

We had 8 trick or treaters and we turned off the lights at 7:30.

My friend, Baseball Steve in Phoenix, reports they had 119 before turning off the lights at 8:00.

Trick or Treating is a big thing on Mount Vernon Street in nearby Prescott.

It's a street of old Victorian homes which are decorated wildly for the fun.

Trick or treaters come by the thousands for the treats, some reportedly from as far away as Phoenix!

Whiskey Row in Prescott also draws some wilder costumes on Halloween Night.

The BRD and her Beau Jack have been known to host Halloween parties on Whiskey Row.

She became a brunette for one such night.

(I have no idea who the she-male is standing next to her.)

She's been a big one for costume parties.

Once, many years ago, SWMBO and I went to one she gave in Phoenix.

Judy made the costumes.

And some years later, when we were living close to where we are now, she put on her best face to greet the little visitors who rang our bell.

I hope your Halloween was sufficiently spooky!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017


Do you know what today is?

It's Fri . . .

Uh, yeah, thanks for that.

But today.

Today is Fri . . .

O.K.  I give up.

Let's get on with the Fri . . . Funnies.

Aww, isn't that just the way of the world?

Well, Gentle Readers, it's time for my weekly admonishment: enjoy yourself on this last weekend before Halloween and always, always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . . 

Thursday, October 26, 2017


The first celebrity interview I ever conducted was with the man who died Tuesday - Fats Domino.

It was in about 1961, I'd guess, and I was doing my "Bruce on the Loose" gig as a rock and roll disc jockey at KCJB radio in Minot, North Dakota.

I don't remember much of the details but apparently our radio station had brought Domino to do a show and there came an opportunity in the afternoon to interview him live on the air.

I normally worked the night shift, signing the station off the air at midnight, but on this day I was working in the afternoon, replacing the regular dj who filled that space.

Someone from higher up in the food chain suddenly came into the control room and told me to call such and such a number and talk to Fats Domino at his hotel room.

So I did it.

He was very nice and cooperative with a young radio announcer's inane questions.

All I can remember is listening back to the tape we made of the interview.

I would ask a question, he would answer it, I would intone a serious "I see", and he would sort of grunt, in a high-pitched tone, "un-huh."

I still recall thinking that entire interview consisted of "I see" and  "un-huh", over and over again.

For someone new to the business it wasn't my most shining hour.

I did get better over the many years in broadcasting, I think.

Rest in peace, Fats, and thanks.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


SWMBO made a cake from a new recipe we just found recently.

It's a fragrant Lemon-Spice Visiting Cake, courtesy of Dorie Greenspan in the New York Times.

It uses ground cardamom, ground ginger and lemons, among other things.

The baker didn't have any ground cardamom but she did have some whole that she ground up with a mortar and pestle.

In the end she said I hope we don't like this because it's a pain in the rear to make.

We loved it.

Maybe I'll have to buy some ground cardamom.