Friday, October 11, 2019


Just when you thought it was safe the Catalyst appears.

By the way, my choice of the term "Catalyst" for my on-line avatar had nothing to do with cats, believe it or not.

I just figured a catalyst was something that stirred things up, maybe caused some trouble

You know.

Oh, okay, let's get on with The Friday Funnies.

Are you laughing?

I'm laughing.

So that's it for this week, Gentle Readers.

Now, I want you to set a good example.

Take a deep breath.


Have yourself an excellent weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . uh, on second thought . . .)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

ThrowBack Thursday

Me and my dad playing cribbage on the patio of the house where we lived in Central Phoenix in the 1970's.

It was winter - can't you see all that snow?

Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Our neighbors' cat, Matty, came by for one of his regular visits yesterday.

I was busy with something and had my back turned.

When I glanced around this is what I saw.

Judy said this should be titled: 

"What are we having for dinner?"

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


I love the old line of a young music listener: "Y'mean Paul McCartney was in a group before Wings?"

It's called a Generation Gap.

A big one.

Oh, well, here's one from that other group.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019


For at least the second day in a row, His Sleekness came by for a long water drinking session.

Saturday, October 5, 2019


A couple of steeds readying themselves for the big rodeo weekend in Prescott Valley.

Matinee and evening performances of the Turquoise Circuit Finals get underway at the huge Event Center today.

Friday, October 4, 2019


Some days I sit down at the computer and wonder what I should blog about or if I should, indeed, blog.

And then I am reminded . . .

So I'm going to take my $2.17 and try to buy a good time this weekend.

Y'all do whatever you want for the next several days but make it fabulous!

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, October 3, 2019


A sneaky-Pete photo of a much younger Catalyst enjoying a well-earned snooze.

You will note the reddish brown hair and beard.

Time has taken it's toll, as a more recent photo reveals.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


I was asking SWMBO the other day if she'd seen many birds lately.

It had seemed to me that the crowds had thinned as cooler temperatures are here and perhaps the sissies among them had headed South for the winter.

But she said she still sees flocks come in during the late afternoon to get their last drinks.

(It's always 5 o'clock somewhere, right?)

Then a short time ago I was visited by this sleek creature just outside my window.

Just after that he was up on the bird bath, checking the water temperature with one foot.

And I remember as a young lad in North Dakota, the sparrows used to be present all year around so I don't think they'll be leaving to avoid what we Arizonans jokingly refer to as cold weather.

(It's 73 Fahrenheit as I'm typing this at nearly 5 in the afternoon.)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


I read on another blog (O.K., William's) that today's theme for the first of a month is "Orange".

And since I've been playing around lately I figured "Why not?"

So here's my take on Orange.

Make of it what you will.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


I had a treat yesterday, along with a lot of other people.

I visited the Peaceful Prairie Alpaca Ranch, just a few minutes from my home.

It was National Alpaca Farm Day and three alpaca farms within a few miles of each other in Prescott Valley were all having open houses.

The owners of this ranch raise about 80 alpacas.

Visitors were allowed to wander the grounds, watching and photographing the animals.

Some of you may be wondering what the difference is between alpacas and llamas.

The owners of the ranch anticipated that question and, tongue in cheek, have posted a sign answering it.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


Here in Arizona there's a lot of talk about The Old West and Cowboys and there are some groups of people who put on what they think are clothes of the folks who patronized this part of the country in the 1800's.

But every once in awhile I've come across a true Son of the Old West and today was one of those days.

I visited a small Farmers' Market and saw stands of ceramic wind chimes and jewelry and dog food and various knicknacks and homemade cookies.

Not what I think of as a farmers' market.

But there was also this fellow.

His name is Eric Leblanc.

He lives in Chino Valley and he has made a living for more than 50 years shoeing horses.

I asked him if he could make a living at that these days.

He said "Oh, yes.  I make a living for myself and (I think) over 40 animals."

He said he had grown up "cowboy-ing" in the nearby Verde Valley and after attending college he came back and began his present occupation.

What attracted me to him was his luxuriant facial hair.

He also had a pony tail that hung down to the middle of his back.

And he said he still wears the same size clothing that he did when he was in high school.

(I told him I hated him for that.)

Friday, September 27, 2019


Greetings, Gentle Readers.

How was your week?


Sorry about that.

I disappointed a former colleague recently when I confessed that I had never seen a single episode of either "Friends" or the "Game of Thrones".

But I just finished watching the first season of "Downton Abbey".

I used to accuse my older brother of being a procrastinator and now . .

But let's leap into the future.

And finally, you knew I couldn't resist a groaner, didn't you?

Okay, friends and foes, that's it for this week.

Now have a fun and exciting weekend and always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . oh, my . . .)

Thursday, September 26, 2019



Most of the night, I think.

Checking our amateur rain gauge this morning showed just shy of an inch and a half.

We can use it.

Judy and I went to see a doctor (surprise!) this morning, then visited a new restaurant in town - Jen's 7th Avenue Cafe for breakfast.

They were doing "land office" business and we could see why.

Our breakfasts were ample and delicious* and the service was quick, efficient and friendly.

When I was checking out, I told Jen that I joked with my wife that the rain was causing the rush on the cafe, that everyone decided at once that what they needed was a hot breakfast.

She acknowledged that but added that people who  worked outside were shut down because of the rain so they came to her cafe.

"Whatever," she said, "it's good for us."

And Jen's is good for Prescott Valley.

*Sorry, I didn't think to photograph them.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


I woke up this morning from a semi-dream state with this thought running through my head.

So what the hey . . here goes.










And such are things that amuse me in my dotage.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


You will, of course, recall my post about the first day of Autumn.

After all that was only yesterday.

But an alert Gentle Reader, Lori Across Town, found something to exclaim about.

The first snowfall of the season at the Arizona Snow Bowl outside of Flagstaff.

As she wrote "Too soon for me!"

(Thanks, Lori.)