Y'wanna make your house smell good?
Toss those room air freshners, incense and the like.
Saute some apples on the stove.
SWMBO has done that several times recently.
They're tasty either warm or cold but, as I told the boss, they smell so darned good, just about better than anything.
'Course that's excepting a couple of things I did in the past 24 hours.
Yesterday I baked a couple of loaves of Judy's favorite English Muffin Bread and she said it smelled so good.
We haven't had it in awhile and this morning she told me she'd had a great breakfast.
Then, later this morning, I got another gold medal as I baked a batch of brownies.
This time as she came into the kitchen, she said it smelled like heaven.
I'll take that.