Judy had a lengthy list and a fistful of coupons and she told me this time she was going to do the shopping.
(hint: she thinks I don't do a good job of looking for the least expensive items.)
So I dropped her off at the door to the store and went to fill the car's gas tank up.
About 15 minutes later I returned and was lucky enough to find a parking space only a couple of slots from the door.
Then just as I was about to get out of the car my phone rang.
Since I was already parked, I figured I'd see who it was.
As it turned out it apparently was a spammer of some type or another.
But just as I was about to put my phone away and get out of the car, there was Judy at the other door.
She got in and said, exasperatedly, "It's a madhouse in there and there are no electric karts! Let's go home!"
We started out and then she gave me the clincher.
"It's the Wednesday when everyone gets their Social Security payments and every oldster in town has rushed to the store."
"Why can't I remember that. The best day to go to the grocery is THURSDAY! The day after the Social Security payments and the day before the Friday shoppers!"
So we went home.
Just two empty-handed oldsters.
But there's always another day.