Friday, December 28, 2012


This dark threatening sky greeted me yesterday morning.

(By the way, I don't know why it has those sort of oil painting smears.  I didn't do anything to the pictures.)

At any rate, it lived up to its threat.  A little later as I came out of a store the air was filled with snow pellets, b.b. sized dry pellets.  I quickly learned that my fancy new car with all the bells and whistles does NOT have a rear window wiper.  But thankfully it does have a defroster.

The skies threatened most of the day and the temperature hung in the upper 30's/lower 40's.  I talked to one young woman at the pharmacy who said she had grown up here but she didn't like the cold, snowy weather.  "I wish it was summer again," she said.

I agree.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


SWMBO fixed a big brunch at about midday on Christmas.  Consequently when it came time to start dinner we both admitted we had no appetites.  So we put it off a day and had some Sloppy Joe sandwiches that night.

But yesterday we watched our intake through the day and we were ready.  SWMBO's creation was a stuffed pork loin roast.

It came out of the oven looking beautiful and it was even better once it was sliced.

I can attest to the fact that it was delicious, especially when accompanied by some roasted petite Brussels sprouts, pureed sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy (gravy not shown, sorry), salad and a nice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Hmmm, only 363 days until Christmas again!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


SWMBO and I journeyed to the home of the BRD last night and enjoyed our traditional Christmas Eve with her and Beau Jack.  The usual meal, steak and lobster, was delicious as always.  Some gift opening, more than a bit of liquid cheer and lots of laughter.  It was a very pleasant evening.

After that Christmas Day is slow and quiet here.

The yule log is burning warmly on my television screen.

Morning naps, brunch, probably more naps, drinks and dinner later. My kind of day.  Hope yours is pleasant, as well.

Monday, December 24, 2012


The BRD (Beautiful Rich Daughter) and her dog, Wrigley, are ready for Christmas.  

May all of your holidays be as merry as theirs.

Gratuitous Critter picture follows.

" . . . while visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads . . ."

Sunday, December 23, 2012


As I've said many a time the thing I like best about the holidays is the food.  Here's a pre-Christmas meal SWMBO made last night.  ('Course, this is good any time of the year!)

Start with a couple of hamburger patties in a hot black iron skillet with some oil.

They brown up pretty fast.  Then top them with some Cheddar cheese.

A couple of minutes until the cheese begins to melt.  

Add them to a couple of big buns.

Some pre-caramelized onions have been waiting patiently.

Top the burgers with the onions and add a side of baked beans.

Salt and pepper potato chips from Trader Joe's make a delicious additive to your plate.

Warning!  This meal is not for vegetarians.  But if you have a semi-vegetarian you can always add some of Ronald Reagan's favorite vegetable.  (Also a favorite of my pal Tess.)

Ahhhh!  A meal fit for a king.  Or a queen.

And then . . . as the Gratuitous Critters would have it . . . perhaps a nap, eh?

"Ho hum!"

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Yesterday, I acquired two new hearing aids to assist my failing ears in my dotage.  One for each ear.

Let's see.  I have a partial to replace several teeth that were pulled years ago.  

I have a Pacemaker imbedded in my chest to keep my heart beating.  

I wear bifocal glasses in order to see.

I sleep with a C-pap mask over my face to combat sleep apnea.

I also have oxygen plugged into it, supposedly to keep me breathing I guess.

Yes folks these are the Golden Years.  (You have to have your weight in gold to pay for all these appliances of modern medicine.)

But my doctors tell me I'm in good health.

I think I'll have today's Gratuitous Critter look me over next time.

Friday, December 21, 2012


And . . .

And . . . our Gratuitous Critter pic of the day.

"Oh yeah?  You and what army?"