Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Just a reminder in case you haven't been in a store recently . . .

. . . Halloween is only 7 weeks away!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


A friend in North Carolina reminded me today that Hurricane Florence was bearing down on the East Coast.

I replied to him that this, or any time, is a good time to live in Arizona.

Monday, September 10, 2018


Spicy Smoked Paprika Shrimp

Did you say SHRIMP???!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Saturday, September 8, 2018


It seems to me that every week should be Patriot Week.

But be that as it may this week is officially Patriot Week in Prescott Valley.

It started in 2012 when 1,200 flags flew on the green at the Civic Center grounds.

Since then it's been expanded and now some 3,000 flags are there for the victims of 9-11.

Each flagpole represents a victim and has a tag with the name and some information about him or her.

Those with boots represent a policeman or firefighter who died on September 11th, 2001.

The organizers call it the Healing Fields and the local firefighters and civilian volunteers who put up the flags are usually around to answer questions from the curious.

Tonight there will be a youth concert at the Green.

Wednesday evening the reknowned trumpeter Jesse McGuire will headline a concert at the same place.

The flags will stay  in place through next Friday.

As you walk through the field of flags and read some of the cards attached to the poles the solemnity should reach you.

Give it a visit if you're in our area.

Friday, September 7, 2018


Gentle Readers, I am tired.

This has been such a wild and zany week.

I'm sorta glad it's coming to a close.

It is, isn't it?

All right, if Jake says it, then I can believe it.

Fasten your seat belt as I get us to launch speed.

See, it's the way the circles intersect.

Oh, drat, maybe I shouldn't get too complicated here.

I can hear the laughter rollicking around the world on this "lurch" into the weekend.

Now don't lollygag, my lovelies.

Liquefy yourself with liquors or other libations, eat langoustines and lingonberries, do not indulge in lacrimations but remember that liberal LAUGHTER is your aim.

Enjoy yourselves and have a great weekend.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(hmmm, again???)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Do you know what these people have in common?

Other than being an aging "We Like to Have Lunch Bunch", that is?

They are all alumni, of a sort, of working at KTAR/KPNX Television in Phoenix, Arizona.

And they all remain friends and, with varying people in attendance, gather at the Pie Place, aka the Rock Springs Cafe, infrequently.

A couple were new to the group today.

Here's a better picture, taken in front of the cafe, at the end of the visit.

For those who don't recognize them, they are Steve Torbeck of Phoenix, Wally Athey of Glendale, Karl Kindberg of Chandler, Diane Kalas of Sun City, Ron "Babblin'" Brooks and Bruce Taylor, both of Prescott Valley.

I won't embarrass (or honor) them by revealing their individual ages but it totals 457 years on the planet.

And counting.