Currently Jerome is what many would call a tourist trap. Dozens of art galleries and gift shops fill the town. Real estate, which was dirt cheap when I first saw Jerome, is now expensive. Because of underground blasting, the town on the side of a mountain lives on somewhat fragile ground. If one buys an old house one finds it costs a lot to shore up the house with concrete.
But it's a great place with views to die for. I love visiting it even on a Tuesday in April when the streets were jammed with tourists.
But, as I said at the beginning of this post, the town is thousands of light years from here, because of an apparent attitude of whimsy in the air. Let me give you a couple of examples.
I have to give credit to my friend Judy, who takes and posts some amazing photographs at Prescott Area Daily Photo, including regular photos of these flamingos. Whoever has adopted the roadside pink plastic birds decorates them regularly for holidays and special days.
Directly across the road is this mystery.
Some time in the distant past someone created this hillside parking space. That old truck has been parked there behind iron bars for as long as I remember. I don't know the story but perhaps someone who knows it will reveal the secret of the truck and it's owner.