Tuesday, January 1, 2013


The new year - 2013 - or MMXIII - has officially begun.  I found a message on my telephone this morning from the BRD and her Beau Jack.  It came in at 12:05 a.m. on the phone just a few feet from where I was already sleeping.  I never heard the phone ring.  The message was those two jokers singing (if I can stretch things by using that term) a loud and off-key Happy New Year.  Suffice it to say you are fortunate I can't play it here on my blog.

So today is January 1st once again.  I see the Senate overwhelmingly passed a tax increase for the wealthy.  It's now up to the House to do the same.

In spite of the weather where ever you are today is also a day for Polar Bear Plunges.  That's where people strip down to bathing suits and go for a (quick) swim in the usually icy water.  It is named, of course, after polar bears that swim in all kinds of weather.

"Huh?  Are you talkin' to me?"

Not all people (or bears) are ready for such an immersion into the new year.  I certainly am not.  But my late uncle, who lived in San Francisco, told me he had spent one entire year swimming every day in San Francisco Bay.  Brrrr.  Not for me the spartan life.

But I admit the Polar Bear Plunge, or whatever it's called around the world, does fascinate me.  So if you're looking to get your year started with a shock to your system . . . be my guest and dive right in.

"Ooooohhhhh, this looks like it's gonna be another belly flop!"

Monday, December 31, 2012


2012 has been a great year for me and I think 2013 is going to be even better.  For example . . .

Now yesterday it snowed, heavily for awhile.  It left this.

And this . . .

And this . . .

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas.  (Except Christmas here was brown and dry this year.)

But today the sun has been shining off and on, the snow is melting, the streets are clean.  It's looking more like Arizona, once again.

Contrast this with the first photo above to really see the difference.  Our home faces north so the snow lasts a little longer than near the south-facing homes across the street.

New Years Eve makes me think of that traditional song, Auld Lang Syne.  But as some of my friends would say, I'm a little kinky.  So it also reminds me of this version, sung by the late comedy song writer Allan Sherman.

For you traditionalists, there are many versions of Auld Lang Syne on You Tube.  I'll leave it to you search them out and pick your favorite.

With the help of some Gratuitous Critters, I'll just say for 2013 be nice to your family . . .

and your friends . . .

and let's make 2013 a year full of joy.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Famous last words, eh?  Take a look.



Here's where I'll be celebrating tomorrow night.  At home.

For those of you going out to make fools of yourself in public, enjoy!

Even a Gratuitous Critter knows when to hole up with a warm blanky.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

AS 2012 DRAWS TO A CLOSE . . .

Even the Gratuitious Critter seems optimistic.

Friday, December 28, 2012


This dark threatening sky greeted me yesterday morning.

(By the way, I don't know why it has those sort of oil painting smears.  I didn't do anything to the pictures.)

At any rate, it lived up to its threat.  A little later as I came out of a store the air was filled with snow pellets, b.b. sized dry pellets.  I quickly learned that my fancy new car with all the bells and whistles does NOT have a rear window wiper.  But thankfully it does have a defroster.

The skies threatened most of the day and the temperature hung in the upper 30's/lower 40's.  I talked to one young woman at the pharmacy who said she had grown up here but she didn't like the cold, snowy weather.  "I wish it was summer again," she said.

I agree.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


SWMBO fixed a big brunch at about midday on Christmas.  Consequently when it came time to start dinner we both admitted we had no appetites.  So we put it off a day and had some Sloppy Joe sandwiches that night.

But yesterday we watched our intake through the day and we were ready.  SWMBO's creation was a stuffed pork loin roast.

It came out of the oven looking beautiful and it was even better once it was sliced.

I can attest to the fact that it was delicious, especially when accompanied by some roasted petite Brussels sprouts, pureed sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy (gravy not shown, sorry), salad and a nice glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.

Hmmm, only 363 days until Christmas again!