Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Prescott Valley, Arizona
as a wet cold front moves through

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


It's been quite awhile since we've seen a cat in our yard, with the exception of Maddy, who likes to snooze under the bushes and trees in front.

But this morning . . .

. . . look who showed up.

Our neighbor across the street has a black cat but he/she wears a collar while this one doesn't.

But he sure seems tame.

When I brought Blackwell's attention to him he didn't bat an eye.

In fact, he displayed how much fear he had of this big bulky home-protector by turning his back.

This seemed to drive Blackwell a bit into a frenzy as he crouched and glared.

There are no more pictures (HEY, I heard that sign of relief!) but when the interloper headed over toward the glass slider in the other room, Blackwell raced over there and stood only a foot or two from him pawing heedlessly at the barrier.

And when the dark stranger moved off around the side of the house, Blackwell ran to the kitchen window where he got one last glance.

If ours was an "outside" cat the two of them probably would have a scrap, then make up and run off together.

But an hour or so later, Blackwell is resting comfortably on my bed from his bout of nervous exhaustion.

And life (as we know it) goes on.

Monday, April 30, 2018


We've had lots of activity at the bird bath recently.

Along with a plethora of house finches, goldfinches and doves it was also visited by a woodpecker . . .

a mockingbird . . .

and a robin checking the water.

Then he used his toes to see how cold it was.

Satisfied with the temperature, he dived in and took a rousing bath.

He splashed and ducked until he appeared to be sopping wet.

Then he launched his now-heavier body into the air.

But he didn't go far.

Just into the tree above the birdbath where he preened himself for probably 10 or 15 minutes.

And when he was finally clean and preened and combed and brushed he flew off to find a lady friend to impress.

Robins.  I could watch them forever.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Some people can't resist a challenge.

One of these is the BRD's Beau Jack.

When a client of his expressed a desire to climb Granite Mountain, Jack said he'd go too.

Never mind that Beau Jack is no spring chicken anymore, in fact 14 years older than his climbing companion.

Never mind that Granite Mountain tops out at over 7,600 feet.

That makes the climb nearly 2,500 feet.

There are trails but it is still a challenging climb.

They planned their excursion well, taking lots of fluids and caching a supply partway up for the return to normality.

"Here Jack, have some Gatorade!"

Somewhere down there . . . way, way down there . . . is where they started this insane trek from.

And finally, after approximately five hours, they reached the summit.

Jack's only regret?

He left those expensive sunglasses at the top and thought of going back for them but, perhaps wisely, changed his mind and left them for the next intrepid climber.

Back home he plunged into his whirlpool spa.

Two days later, he looked none the worse for wear as we celebrated my birthday in a local restaurant.

Beau Jack says next on his list: Mt. Everest.

We.  Don't.  Think.  So.

Friday, April 27, 2018


That's if we have anything to celebrate.

Well, the leaders of the two Koreas each crossed the line between them yesterday.

So that's a start, I guess.

But, Gentle Readers (hiya, Karl), let's see what's in the humor files this week.

All right folks, you know the drill.

Tip-toe through the tulips and make a timely tintinnabulation throughout this weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


I became 78 years old today.

Still crazy after all these years

Friday, April 20, 2018



To those of you Gentle Readers who are not well-versed in Cheech and Chong movies, today is April 20th.

i.e. 4-20.

And 4:20 is a universal code term for the smoking of marijuana dating back to some California teenagers who used to meet for that purpose when their classes ended at 4:20 p.m.

Here in the United States, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York today plans to introduce a bill to decriminalize marijuana on the federal level.

There are some negatives about the use of "weed".

But despite it's popularity, some people still stick to old favorites.

And some of those deleterious effects mentioned above may not be the result of your particular taste in "moral decay".

So I'll leave you to your choices for romping riotously through a ribald weekend but remember . . . always keep laughing.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .