This is the front of a birthday card I received from my brother back in April.
The image so pleased me that I taped it to the base of my desk lamp directly in front of me.
This is the front of a birthday card I received from my brother back in April.
The image so pleased me that I taped it to the base of my desk lamp directly in front of me.
Someone who hasn't made up his mind about something is said to be "still on the fence".
It came up because I caught one of our visitors being "still" on our fence.
The New Blue Bird Bath continues to attract customers, seeking a drink or a bath.
Here are a few of them.
First a Goldfinch couple, then a curious Mountain Jay, and finally a plump Mourning Dove.
I wonder if their vision allows them to see their reflections in the water.
In answer to many one request, here is my moon shot of earlier in the week.
The balmy days are upon us as we near the Memorial Day weekend.
Triple digit temperatures are forecast for the next week in Phoenix.
The 80's up here in the cool climes.
So what better time than now to inject some *true* balminess into the mix, eh?