Saturday, April 16, 2022


 Easter Sunday.

Or as I have renamed it, Eater Sunday.

I know, I know, I'm a heretic.

Be that as it may.

This heretic spent hours in the Taylor Family Bakery Kitchen Friday.

Most cooks would have spent about half an hour.

But I'm not most cooks.

I'm a beginner.

So it takes me a lot longer.

But here's the result of my labors.

Looks kinda unimaginative, doesn't it?

Here's a bit of a better look.

But for the big reveal, one I did not trust myself to do, I called in the

Master Chef, SWMBO, aka Judy.

And she, masterfully, did the honors.


It's my very own (first) Pineapple Upside Down Cake!


Happy Eater!

Friday, April 15, 2022


I'm here, a little late, but here.

The sun is shining and for those of you marking Passover or Easter or both, the time is at hand.

Does this mean Spring is finally and truly here.

Let us hope so.

And now let's open the Humor Bank and see what's in there.

Now the time has come for you all to concentrate on having a marvelous weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(ah, yes)

Wednesday, April 13, 2022



(Wacky Wally read my mind when he sent me this)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 Recently I was reading a blog I keep up on written by a youngish fellow (in his 60's) in Sheffield in the U.K. (England, actually).

He had a post about Lebanon, Kansas, which he identified as the geographical center of the contiguous United States.

I commented to him that if he had gone to the geographical center of North America he would have been around Rugby, North Dakota, which is about 120 miles straight east of the town where I grew up.

Today I was surprised to find that he had done a post on my home town, Stanley.

He learned and related that the town, with a population of something over 2,500 people, is a tad less than 99 percent white.

Well, I do remember that there was only one African-American man living there when I was a kid and the population was only around 11 hundred.

There were some Native Americans but I don't remember if any of them lived in Stanley.

I do remember, thinking back, that it was a pretty-much Opie-like existence (as in the old Andy Griffith television show).

All of which brings me to an email conversation I had the other day with another blogger friend in the Seattle, Washington area.

She (Margaret) was saying that the mountain passes in her state were getting hammered with a blizzard, meaning lots of snow.

Which brings me to a conversation I had this morning with a cousin in North Dakota (only about 60 miles from my home town).

She said they were expecting a blizzard to hit at any time and the forecast was for up to 30 INCHES OF SNOW!

Now that's white!

And may I remind everyone that this is nearly mid-April?

I told her I was very happy that I now live in Arizona.

This is about the only white I relate to these days.

That's an ornamental pear tree just a couple of blocks from where I now live.

Sunday, April 10, 2022


 A very good writer for the local newspaper, The Daily Courier, for many years also travels quite a bit and documents her travels on infrequent blog posts.

Cindy Barks' blog is called NearandFarAZ and she has a fresh post today, which can be found here about a number of towns she visited in Texas.

The last one, which she calls a bonus town, is the tiny spot called Luckenbach.

With a population listed as 3, it's more of a wide spot to go to for drinking and dancing than anything else.

There's a dance hall and one other main building which houses a souvenir shop and a working saloon.

One warm summer day back in the early 1990's when we were living in Austin we visited the town and partook of it's hospitality in the saloon.

Cindy mentions a song that made the burg famous, recorded by a couple of good old boys back in 1977.

Just for old time's sake, give a listen to Waylon Jennings and Willy Nelson (and friends).

Saturday, April 9, 2022



(Thanks to Tommy Terrific for that one)

Friday, April 8, 2022


 April is my favorite month.

It's the time when Spring really does burst forth.

Oh there may be the occasional snowstorm but we all know it won't last and the buds will soon be exploding into blossoms.

And it's the time for celebrations.

Anniversaries, like ours.

And I just learned that my great-great-grandparents got married on the 5th of April in 1826!

And it is a month of birthdays too.

The BRD's is in a few days and mine is in a couple of weeks and . . .

No, no, no, I'm just kidding about that.

Her birthday isn't until next month.

But speaking of kidding . . .

Pop goes the weasel!


Oh, sometimes even I have to laugh.

What's that?

I'm alone?


Well, y'old grouches, try to struggle through the next couple of days and have a good weekend.

And always remember to KEEP ON LAUGHING!


Here, kitty-kitty . . .