Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Several rains recently have done wonders for our bits of urban gardening.  For example, a vine in the back yard suddenly sprouted some flowers.

To my great surprise, it is a trumpet vine.  When we lived in Mexico, there would be thousands of blooms on them.  But the buds apparently exude something sweet and the ants love it.

Getting down to something to eat, there are cherry tomatoes by the dozens.

A good crop of Romas.  (That one down low, partly hidden, was red enough to pick last night and will probably be eaten tonight.

In another pot, some Thai chiles.  One small one ripe already.

Another pot holds some basil and parsley.

Marigolds are supposed to be a natural deterrent to bugs.

And the mint is running amok this year.

Meanwhile, out in front of the house a couple of hibiscus plants have gone into full bloom.

Come with me, deep into the center of this beautiful flower.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


There comes a time when a person's pets can take over their lives.  In our family we have often joked about whether one or another of us is about to become a "cat lady".  You know, the woman who has cats everywhere in her house and is usually dodging the health department.  The BRD has, once again, added to her menagerie with this so far unnamed 9 week old kitten.

She already had two cats and a dog but as she said there's nothing like having a new kitten in the house.

I was showing SWMBO the "baby pictures" and commented "she's crazy!"

SWMBO responded "well, we have three cats."

That shut me up.  I mean what can you say in light of that kind of feminine logic.

Monday, July 25, 2011


We did get our monsoon rain yesterday evening.  It was the first real pound-down rain of the summer so far.  It poured hard for probably 20 minutes or so before moving off.  The drainage ditch in front of our home was running full.  I went out after the rain stopped and moved some rocks and debris to the side so it would drain better. 

Later - supper.  A plate of cold shrimp I had cooked in the afternoon, good homemade cocktail sauce put together by SWMBO, some warm Brie and crackers, wine and this beautiful relish plate SWMBO created.

I have to admit none of the produce came from our garden this time.  The grocery stores provided all of it.  But it was all very tasty and perfect for a hot summer night.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Nguyen Cao Ky is dead.  According to the Los Angeles Times, the former South Vietnamese premier died at a hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where he was being treated for a respiratory problem.  He was 80 years old.

I met the former general once, though it was not in Vietnam, in spite of my "foreign correspondent style" leisure suit shown in this photo.

That's his wife du jour in the center.  He was married three times.  Anyway, it was in northern California where a refugee camp had been set up for hundreds of Vietnamese fleeing the communist victory in the war and takeover of the entire country.

Over the years, I've had numerous people view this picture and say "I didn't know you were in Vietnam."  I had to then explain the photo.

Nguyen Cao Ky was running a liquor store in Southern California shortly after these photos were taken.  He spent the rest of his life living in California and Vietnam.

Friday, July 22, 2011


This is a photograph of a man who might be a Hollywood actor, right?  Nice gentle flicker of a smile, eyes a bit wary.  Not wary enough, as it turned out.  This is John Dillinger, infamous bank robber and killer of the 1920's and 30's.  He led the FBI on a merry chase for a long time but they caught up with him coming out of the Biograph Theatre in Chicago and shot him down on the sidewalk.  Johnny was 31 years and one month old when it happened . . . 77 years ago today.

Another Johnny D portrayed Dillinger in the movie, Public Enemy.  That's Johnny Depp above with the same gentle smile but eyes that seem to bore through you.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


First the important stuff.  Arizona shortstop Stephen Drew broke his ankle in last night's Diamondbacks game and is out for the season.  He was trying to score from second on a fly to left field and when he slid at home, his right foot got caught, twisted and snapped.  Oddly enough, on the very next play Milwaukee's center fielder,  Carlos Gomez, made a spectacular diving catch of a blooper, landed on his shoulder and broke his clavicle.  He's out of the lineup indefinitely.  Baseball ain't no sport for sissies, in spite of what the football fans say.

Now then.  My pal Danny Bananas sent me a link in an email to some spectacular aerial photographs by Yann Arthus-Bertrand.  They're well worth a look and you can seen them here.

That's all for today, folks.