Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A New Header

I really liked this photo by my friend Tom Cochrun and thought I'd share it for awhile.


I knew a guy once who used to say "the social rumble isn't restful."

Turns out he was slightly misquoting the originator of that aphorism, Mr. Satchel Paige, who actually said "the social ramble ain't restful."

We've just had a social rumble or ramble that only lasted about a day and a half but, for whatever reason, we were worn out when it ended.

It was fantastic to see longtime friends and we took it pretty easy, just sitting and talking the first afternoon and evening (along with prodigious eating and accompanying sipping.)

And the next full day was spent in an easy auto journey and a picnic (and some sipping) and dinner in a restaurant (and some more sipping.)

Now, Gentle Readers, you might think that we were drinking a lot.

Facts are that while we were consistently hydrated, we didn't consume like we might have in the good old rock and roll days.

No, I don't think any of suffered from any "hard rock" or "rolling stone" hangovers during the visit.

And it was kind of tough to say goodbye as we lingered outside their hotel, recalling just one more story from days gone by.

But it has taken both of us about a full day to get over the lethargy and tiredness that prompted some long naps and early bedtimes.

But, after all, these are the days of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

As the first part of the wise Mr. Paige's quote advises: "Go very light on the vices, such as carrying on in society."

Probably good advice at any age.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


By now, you're probably tired of hearing about our visitors from California.

But, one more time, because it fits into today's theme of Tuesday Travels.

We left home yesterday morning and drove over the mountain through Jerome.

Just before reaching that mountainside hamlet Lana and Judy posed for a photo at an overlook.

Then we drove on, through Old and New Cottonwood to the (not so, anymore) tiny town of Cornville.

Our destination, with these wine-lovers from the Paso Robles appellation, lay to the north along Page Springs Road, into the heart of one piece of Arizona Wine Country.

We stopped at the Page Springs Winery for a tasting, a bottle (thanks, Tom) and a classic French picnic, courtesy of SWMBO.

The winery is one of three in close proximity to each other.

Some of the wine is produced there, some comes from southeastern Arizona.

Tom and I took a bit of a walk down to a lower picnic setting just above Oak Creek.  (sound up)

A pleasant day, sitting in the shade, eating, drinking, gazing over the vineyards.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Pesta Indonesia

That title translated to English means Indonesian feast.

That's what we dined on last night courtesy of my personal chef, SWMBO.

This somewhat fuzzy picture shows the Chicken Satay, Peanut sauce, Curried Bananas and mixed fruits. There was also a dish of quinoa and brown rice.

All of those in attendance proclaimed it, in the Indonesian parlance, "mighty tasty."

Our honored guests from the California coast, Lana and Tom Cochrun.

The sommelier pours.

The chef tucks in.

Good friends, great food and wine, wonderful conversation.

It's hard to believe but this friendship goes back 47 years.

And counting.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Gentle Readers, you've become accustomed to my interest in the birds of many feathers that visit the bird bath outside my den window.

Recently I had a hawk perch on the edge.

Once awhile back a big black raven did the same.

The Rufous Towhee and the finches and (SWMBO insists) the warblers are regular visitors.

But what to my wondering eyes did appear on this otherwise peaceful Sunday?

A REAL big  and perhaps strange bird.

I know it's a California breed but there also seems to be some Hoosier traits.

Yes, it's my dear old buddy Tom, the good-natured host of  the Light Breezes blog.

He's visiting from his home in California with his lovely wife, Lana, an artist and proprietor of her own blog.

Further photos of these two intrepid travelers will follow.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Our birdbath/drinking fountain continues to be an attraction to the many avian residents of the neighborhood.

The other day I caught the Rufous Sided Towhee taking a dip.

A while back a big black raven strutted over and hopped up on the rim and took a drink but I was too slow with the camera to get a shot of him.

But late this week I was in the kitchen when Judy called out to look at the birdbath.

I hurried to my den, took a peek and grabbed the camera to get this photo.

That's no sparrow, Gentle Readers.

That is a Cooper's Hawk.

Posing majestically he stayed for only a few seconds once I had my camera in hand but it was a thrilling few seconds.

Lori Down the Street has had a hawk at her fountain but this was a first for me.

Friday, May 6, 2016


I suppose I could lead off this week with "Donald Trump is the Republican Party's nominee for President."

But, funny as that is, nobody's laughing.

So, onward.

O.K. Gentle Readers, it's time to hustle along toward your historic fun weekend.

Just remember this one thing: always keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty.