SWMBO had grown tired of the small Red Tip Photinia bushes in our back yard.
She said they just look like blobs.
But she said they have a good bone structure and with her artistic ways something could be made of them.
So she got busy with her clippers and attacked.
The first result looked pretty good though some lower branches needed to be sawed off.
You can see the difference by comparing with the two smaller bushes behind it.
Another evening and they were also given their first trim.
The three now look pretty darned good, I think.
It's amazing what one can find under all that overgrown shrubbery if one knows how to look.
Meantime, the Rocketman Russian Sage continues it's explosive blooming nearby, much to the joy of the bees and the finches.
And the Gato azul (blue cat) entertains an occasional guest.
Just one big happy family.