Saturday, March 19, 2022


 I was curious about this pickup truck parked seemingly forever on a rocky mound in front of a new strip mall being built nearby.

So I went to check on it.

Well, surprise!

This "pickup" wasn't going anywhere.

It appears to be sculpted.

But what's even more surprising was what the rear of the "truck" displayed.

That's right.

A constantly flowing gusher of water.

But it wasn't pouring off into the street.

What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is someone's idea of a fountain.

What will they think of next?

Friday, March 18, 2022


 How are we all doing today?

Head ache a little from all that Hibernian Hell-Raisin' yesterday?

Well, if St. Patrick can drive the snakes out of Ireland, I can surely drive the pain out of your body with a little humor.

In respect to those aches and pains our subject today is aging.

Brace yourselves.

There now.

Feeling better?

Me neither.

Oh well, as long as you can still laugh you're all right.

So always remember to keep laughing and have a cautiously wonderful weekend.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(. . . oh, ouch . . .)

Thursday, March 17, 2022


 For those of you steeped in mythology (or green beer), your time has come.

It is St. Patrick's Day!

Last night the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame defeated Rutgers in TWO OVERTIMES to make their way into the 64-team field who begin competition today in the annual NCAA Basketball Tournament.

It was truly March Madness so once again the Irish among you have something to celebrate.

As for the other mythology of the day, there's this:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 I broke my fast early this morning with a sizable slice of that Dutch Apple Pie my beloved baked yesterday.

And I topped it with two small scoops of vanilla ice cream.

All at around 8:30 a.m.

It was wonderful!

And now that Pi Day has been noted and celebrated, we can get on to the next festive mark on the calendar.

Monday, March 14, 2022


 Far be it from me to attempt to bake a pie on Pi Day.

But that may be because I have one of the finest chefs in the world living under my roof.

She took up the challenge.

Here is her product, fresh out of the oven.

That's Judy's Dutch Apple Pie.

What makes it a "Dutch" apple pie, you may be asking.

I did.

She told me it's because it has a crumb topping rather than a second crust.

I just know that I love it.

And I love her.

But not so much that I couldn't play around with it a little bit.


 March Fourteenth.

I guess you know what that is.

Yup, it's PI Day - 3.14.

Thank Wacky Wally for reminding you.