Saturday, November 21, 2020


 SWMBO said yesterday evening, "We're running low on bread."

Being an understanding husband to this woman of nearly 50 years, I hied me to the kitchen this morning.

Fresh from the bread machine . . .

A loaf of whole wheat bread studded with dried cranberries (Craisins).

It joined a couple of loaves of previously baked English Muffin bread.

But then I got a little "arty".

Here's the "beauty shot".

Friday, November 20, 2020


 It's a great day!

Not only is it Friday but just look at that date.

Say it to yourself.

No, better yet, say it out loud.

Shout it out!

Eleven-twenty, twenty-twenty!!!

There, now don't you feel just a teench better?

And now that people are staring at you anyway let's put big smiles on your faces with some funnies!

Did you have trouble with that one?

It took me awhile too so I'll spell it out for you.

See, it's Bob the Spoon, Ernie the Fork and Mac the . . .

Okay, stop throwing things, here's an easier one.

Okay with that one from the bottom of my sole (soul), I will call a halt to these proceedings.

Now enjoy your weekend, Gentle Readers, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Thursday, November 19, 2020



On this date in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln delivered "a little speech", as he later called it, at the dedication of a military cemetery in Pennsylvania.

Only a few hundred words delivered in only a few minutes.

But the Gettysburg Address became one of the most famous speeches in American history.

Now just to go from the sublime to the ridiculous, it was also on this date but in the year 1975 that one of my favorite movies was first shown in movie theaters.

The great Jack Nicholson won his first Academy Award for his starring role in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".

All of which just goes to prove that you'll never know what one finds in these Oddball Observations!

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


One of my Gentle Readers emailed me today to ask if I was all right.

He said he begins to worry when I don't post on this blog every day or nearly every day.

I emailed back that everything is fine with me but that I'd just lacked inspiration recently.

Then I found this video.

So, Montana Mike, this one's for you. (And anyone else who may have been concerned about me.)

Friday, November 13, 2020


Happy Friday the 13th, triskaidekaphobians!

It's your holiday, a day to stay in bed with your head under the covers.

But for the rest of us, there's humor afoot.

Let's see what we can find.

Oh, no, no, you didn't think I'd forget a pun, did you?

Well, that's it, Gentle Readers.

Now have a safe and sane weekend, eat and drink well, wear a mask and ALWAYS remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

ThrowBack (way back) Thursday

 I doubt if many of you will remember these songs from the Golden Days of rock-n-roll radio.

It was, after all, 59 years ago, 1961, at KCJB Radio in Minot, North Dakota.

It wasn't the birthing ground of my broadcasting career.

I had actually started out at KEYJ in Jamestown, North Dakota, while attending college.

Or, some would say, as a 15 year old ham radio operator while still in high school.

But this was where legend set in and I became "Bruce on the Loose"!

Actually Bruce on the Loose only reigned until 10:00, then a half hour of news, weather, sports, and I became the Franklin McCormack* of northwestern North Dakota, playing romantic ballads and speaking in a dulcet tone until midnight.

Ah, those were the days.

*McCormack was the romantic radio voice of Chicago radio on WBBM and WGN. And I copied him.