Thursday, December 21, 2023


 You may notice that I am no longer using the word "countdown" in my derisory "Countdown to Christmas" . . .

Oh drat, there I did it again.

Oh well, call it a "countdown" or, what it actually is, a "count-up" and I'll just stand on the sidelines and watch the fun.

Because fun, you see, is what this is all about.

Or removing the first comma makes that sentence even more meaningful.

Because "fun you see" is really what this is about.

And now that I've nattered for way too long, here it is.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023


In our continuing program of Education for the Elderly it has been pointed out to me that a "countdown" means that the numbers are reduced each day.

i.e. (id est, for you Latin lovers) 5-4-3-2-1.

Whereas while I have been referring to my absurd ticking off the days until Christmas arrives as a "countdown", I actually have been increasing the number of days left each day.

So what I have been doing is NOT a "countdown".

It is, in reality, a "count-up".

I shall not identify the pedantic chap who pointed this out to me to save him from being slurred, threatened and perhaps stoned in public.

And besides, I should get points for doing my "count" in Italian.

Ergo, we shall point out that today is Day Eight in my CountUp to Christmas and here's your daily dash of drollery.

Tuesday, December 19, 2023


 It's the seventh day of my wretched Countdown to Christmas and I have declined the suggestion of London based Steve Reed to announce the day in Icelandic rather than Italian.

I mean, how would you pronounce Sjöti Hluti anyway?

So we shall continue our language lessons from the land of pizza and pasta.

And, by the way, inject some holiday humor into your humdrum schedule.

Monday, December 18, 2023


 I hope you all are appreciating your Italian lessons as I continue my supercilious Countdown to Christmas.

It's next Monday, y'know, and Joy of Joys - another three day weekend!

So let us continue to put some Christmas spirit into your jaded selves.

(Note: I did not say "elves".)

Sunday, December 17, 2023


 I have a little classwork for you today.

First, you have to look at yesterday's post and then find Granny Sue's comment.

Then come back for this:

Next, you have to find Debby's comment yesterday and then come back for this:

That is all.

You may now resume your holiday joyfulness.

Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Yes, it's Day Four of my ridiculous Countdown to Christmas.

Here's your Daily Dose of Drollery.

Friday, December 15, 2023


 In case you've been wondering what those strange words are in my Post Titles (and I know that you have but you're all just too polite to inquire about them) and you're not a polymath like the Cheerful Monk, it's Italian.

And each one tells you what day it is in my ridiculous Countdown to Christmas.

For example, today is Parte Terza.

Or Part Three.

Oh the lengths we Senile Senior Citizens go to amuse ourselves.

At any rate, it's not only Parte Terza or Part Three or the Third Day of my inane Countdown to Christmas, it's (more importantly) FRIDAY!

And you know what that means.

(And if you don't, you just haven't been paying attention.)

So that's it for your Festive Friday, full of fun and frolic.

Now I want you all to forget the shopping, the decorating, the cooking and cleaning, and try to have yourselves a wonderful carefree weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

(No matter how hard it is.)

Here, kitty-kitty . . .