My mother, my older brother and I sitting and listening to a program on the big Philco radio.
Thinking back to those days it might have been The Green Hornet, The Lone Ranger, The Shadow, Fibber McGee and Molly, The Great Gildersleeve, Sky King, One Man's Family, Ma Perkins or maybe it was a news broadcast telling of the wars in Europe and the Pacific, or perhaps one of those wonderful baseball games from far away.
(I became a Brooklyn Dodgers fan, the rest of the family preferred the Cleveland Indians.)
Whatever it was, it captivated us, led us into worlds of fantasy.
Later on I got interested in short wave radio, which led me to become a "ham" radio operator and finally, in college, to a part time job announcing in a small radio station.
From there I graduated to bigger radio stations and on into television.
The road led me to Minot and Bismarck in North Dakota, Aberdeen in South Dakota, then Indianapolis and on to Phoenix.
Many happy days, great adventures and some marvelous trips.
Perhaps, just perhaps, it all dates back to those days in the 1940's in a small town in North Dakota and the Philco in the corner of the living room that opened up the world.