Saturday, June 9, 2018


I can hear the mental wheels whirring even from the other room down the hall.

She has told me the fence mural is far from finished.

But what will be added to it is known only to her.

I got a hint though after she returned from a visit to a crafts store.

These are lined up and ready to be used.

For something.

Grass Green, Yellow Ochre, Raw Umber, Titanium White, and Crimson.

Hmmmmmm . . .

(stay tuned)

Friday, June 8, 2018


Ahhhh, what a week.

There's only one good thing you can say about it.

Because as you know, Gentle Readers, Friday brings us all that brief period of time when we can put our careworn troubles aside, ease back in our respective chairs for awhile and LAUGH!

So let us begin.

Did you know that cats are not the only animals that can not resist small spaces?

Take a look at the evidence.

Listen, I have it on good authority that even BIRDS seek out those tiny spaces.

So there you have it.

Some thoughts to dwell on tomorrow morning as you're sleeping off your Friday night debauchery with a new friend.

Or an old pal perhaps.


Now I won't equivocate, prevaricate or prattle on any further.

Let's all have a perfectly, positively, painstakingly, precisely fine weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!!!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Yes, you can bring a friend.)

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Well, the first stage.

Now comes some detail work.

Continue to . . .

. . . stay tuned!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018


Today always means something to me.

Not because of the anniversary of D-Day in World War Two.

And not because it is the anniversary of the day SWMBO and I entered Mexico on our 4+ year adventure back in 1987.

No, it's because it is the anniversary of my mother's birth back in 1904.

Hattie Loretta Hylland Taylor was born one-hundred-and-fourteen years ago.


She was a school teacher in a one-room schoolhouse on the North Dakota prairie when my dad found her.

As young people do they fell in love and were married.

Seems like they ought to have been happier, doesn't it?

Oh they were.

They spent their honeymoon and much of the first year of their marriage "snowed in" on a North Dakota ranch.

Later on, they posed for what I always think of as their "Bonnie and Clyde" picture.

She gave birth to me when she was approaching her 36th birthday.

And 13 years later she was gone, the victim of a brain tumor.

65 years ago but I still think of my childhood memories of her every June 6th.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

39 x 2

I was waiting in a fast food restaurant yesterday and was engaged by a woman in idle conversation who said something like "I hope we're all still learning."

The subject was a (presumably) 2 year old child who was trying out his voice.

Anyway, I thought of saying to the woman "I'm 39 and I'm still learning," and then adding "Actually I'm 39 twice!"

I didn't speak those thoughts aloud but then I started doing some mental arithmetic and realized that 39 twice is exactly my age now.

I told SWMBO about it when I got home and she commented "For awhile, anyway."

Talk about puncturing one's balloon!

Anyway, back to the back "yard" projects.

You may recall that we lost a glass birdbath to a dust devil yesterday.

I was planning on putting it into the dumpster because it was beyond repair but then I thought "Hey, why not use the two largest pieces as a decorative item."

And that's what I did, with SWMBO's direction.

I rather like it.

Speaking of SWMBO, she continues to paint "her" fence.

Last night she was adding more blue, creating a sky above the green hills.

You will note that she has made a more distant mountain range above the closer hills.

The work goes on, though it is too hot during the day to paint so she does a little in the evenings when the temperatures have dropped a bit.

Stay tuned.

Monday, June 4, 2018


Could SWMBO's muralizing have angered Mother Nature?

It may have seemed that way today when I was sitting only feet away from it at my desk by the window when a dust devil came right over the fence and through the back yard.

If you're not familiar with "dust devils", allow me to explain.

They are relatively small whirlwinds formed when hot air near the earth's surface rises quickly through cooler air above it.

They are similar to tornadoes though usually of less intensity.

They normally appear on hot, clear and sunny days over flat land.

Here's what one looks like, courtesy of Wikipedia.

So there I was, at my desk, when a dust devil came right over the famous partially-muralized fence and charged through our back yard.

A chair and several plants in pots were blown over and remember that pretty bird bath I was trying to figure out what to do with?

It has seen better days and is now headed for the scrap heap.

The fence?

It withstood the mighty blow.

And the work goes on.

Sunday, June 3, 2018


SWMBO has been a tad amazed by the reactions expressed here on her "little painting project".

The work continues, the view improves and her mind is shuttling through ideas for the rest of the fence mural.

But today, she's taken the day off to spend with the Sunday New York Times so I'll just show the progress to date.

As you will note, there is no whitewash on this fence (yet), possibly because when she was beginning I warned her not to pull a "Tom Sawyer" on me!


In another corner of the yard there is an elevation that had a large pot with an artificial tree in it surrounded by large (and heavy) rocks.

We had placed a colored birdbath bowl we weren't using and a small monk statue up there but SWMBO had a more ambitious plan in her mind and had already tipped and rolled some of the boulders down the slope.

Fearing another fall, I then entered the act (yes, Jager, I got off my . . . er . . . duff) and began arranging them per her instructions.

It is a work in progress.

Originally, Judy had planned a yin/yang symbol out of black and white pebbles in the center of "the eye" but abandoned that idea when she was unable to find black stone at any of the building supply stores.

She had thought perhaps the colorful birdbath might go in the center but "we'll see".

As I said, it's a work in progress and you'll note that a new (and real) viney plant has been placed to grow up on the old artificial tree limbs.

So we continue, trying to make something out of a pretty barren back yard.

Stay tuned.