Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Friday, January 29, 2021


 It's been a week of wild and wooly weather here in the United States of America.

But it's 38 degrees this morning and, though we may get some rain or even snow today, it's time to put TGIF smiles on our faces.

So let's get started.

And on that note, let me speed away, ending this silly season of sappy superciliousness, but successful in a spectacular, self-satisfied, splendorous, spirited way of looking toward Saturday.

And offering this advice: have a great weekend, stay safe and sane and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(oh, dear)

Thursday, January 28, 2021


 Not to be outdone, I got back in the harness this morning and baked a Crusty Wheat Boule, from a recipe in Eating Well Magazine.

Small, rustic, tasty.


 Judy took over the reins of the self-quarantine bakery yesterday inspired by a Dorie Greenspan recipe for a fig and goat cheese quick bread.

She made some alterations, based on what we had in the refrigerator.

She subbed feta for the goat cheese, green onions and celery leaves for the fresh rosemary and thyme.

It came out great!

It might have been a little crumblier with the goat cheese but it was still delicious.

You can find the recipe on-line by Googling "Goat Cheese and Fig Quick Bread".

Wednesday, January 27, 2021



Today the sky is clear and Mother Sun has returned.

The snow we've accumulated will begin to melt.

These images on my window formed a couple of days ago as snow struck it, froze, melted and froze again.

It was a constantly changing panorama as the flakes slid down the window, colliding and coalescing with others.

Most of the area was shut down yesterday except for plows and emergency vehicles.

I was surprised in mid-afternoon to find my driveway thoroughly shoveled and learned that it was my Young Marine angel from across the street that had done it.

Even in a nasty storm there are some who feel a call of duty.

Thank you, C.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 It looks like it snowed most of the night and it's continuing this morning.

Monday, January 25, 2021


 The BRD, who lives in Prescott at a somewhat higher elevation than where we live, sent me a couple of pictures from her home this morning.