It's looking more and more likely that today there may finally be some substantial rain. Nothing would be better for Julie, aka Granny J. Every time I post some photos of our beautiful clouds in the sky, she grouses along the lines of "So where is the #@&**#! rain?" So I'm hoping that today she'll get something like this in her area.
There's nothing like a summer rain to take the heat off things here in Arizona. So, come on Tlaloc , do your thing. Do it for Julie!
Shortly after writing that I had to drive over to Prescott. As I got into the north end of town it began to rain and it came down so hard there were a couple of vehicles pulled off to the side of the road to wait it out.
Here are a couple of shots I took out the side window and the windshield while stopped at a light.
So you can see the rains have come to Prescott.
But wait!
I said this was the north end of town and Julie lives in central Prescott. The closer I got to her neighborhood, heading south into town, the sunnier and drier it became. I don't think she got more than a few drops of rain. But the weather is still roiling around so maybe she'll get some this afternoon.