Sunday, August 30, 2009

Building update

It's been awhile so I figured it was time for yet another look at the new Prescott Valley Library building.

The brand new building, which will also hold classrooms for Yavapai College East, is due to have its grand opening on October 10th.

Down the way a bit is this fenced-in construction project going on in the Entertainment District. Looks to be a huge building. What can it be?

Ah! Yet another place to enjoy a burger. Fuddruckers also is due to open in the fall.

And I don't have a photo but the Hobby Lobby opened a large store this week and a new Chase Bank is nearing completion.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Arizona Beach Party!

Now this may seem pretty strange. Scheduling a Beach Party in central Arizona, far from lake or seashore. But never put Prescott Valley down. This one, in the heart of the Entertainment District, is the 4th annual!

So, the first thing you need for a beach party is a beach, in this case created by a number of loads of sand dumped in a parking lot.

From there on, it's whatever you can find. In this day and age, huge inflatable toys seem to be a favorite of the youngsters.

But it's not all for kids. Look what I found.

One thing we do have plenty of for a beach party - heat. More imagination and some water features help cool the mind, at least. This is a miniature golf course.

And there is a radio-controlled boat in a small pool of water.

Of course you could take to the air in one of these RC-control airplanes.

Getting back to the adults, there's also an RV show on site for dreamers.

There were some classic cars on hand too, including this Dodge Hemi.

Seems like that big air scoop would hamper the driver's vision but maybe he just brings it from show to show on a trailer.
At any rate . . . a pretty good beach party.

Friday, August 28, 2009

And that's jazz!

This is a big weekend for jazz aficionados in Prescott. It's the annual Jazz Summit, three days of performances by a number of jazz artists. Today at noon the BRD and I took in the first event - a free performance by a number of the artists at the Courthouse Square.

There was a tune from one of the headliners of the event - noted vocalist Toni Tennille, currently a Prescott resident.

And Prescott's mayor Jack Wilson (at least for a few more days) got into the act showing off his fairly accomplished dancing with a couple of partners.

It was a warm day but under the trees on the square, just a perfect excuse to kick off one's shoes and wriggle your toes in the cool green grass.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

HEY! that HAY!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Prescott Way

Hey, where the angry, raging multitudes?

When Wal-Mart, and then Lowe's, and before them the Gateway Mall, were being built, there was such outrage from the local citizenry about how the mountains were being "scalped" that it even forced a result in a mayoral election. But the same thing is happening again, on the north side of town, and I've heard or read nothing of similar dudgeon. So let me be the one to call it to attention and let the firebrands rage on. This is Centerpoint West, alongside Highway 89-A.

Pretty, isn't it?


Don't be confused. That title has nothing to do with buggery. It is simply a nasty little word that describes . . though not well . . what we bloggers are doing.

As I have noted on other occasions the black dog of depression about this practice does roll around from time to time. One grows weary of trying to come up with something original or inspirational or funny or whatever every damned day. If you're like me, you take small vacations from bloggery to rest and refill the mind.

But why am I trying to explain this malady when a lady of extreme talent has just done it for me. I refer, of course, to the legendary Lucy Kempton of Brittany. Read her thoughts here.

You'll enjoy it. She's a treasure.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh boy, another award!

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That Twisted Sister, Dawn, who escaped destruction this weekend by Hurricane Bill, has passed on another award which originated with Annie from A Nice Place in the Sun.

I'm passing it on to whoever wants it! You all cheer me up each and every day.

You can read more about the award as well as link to it at Annie's site above. Enjoy!