Incidentally Google Translate tells me that Osso Buco translates simply to Braised Veal.
Although this . . .
. . . looks like ours, this is simply a stock picture from the Internet.
And I didn't have mine on polenta.
But the reason for this blog post is to clear up some apparent misconceptions among my commenters.
Our Osso Buco came pre-cooked and frozen, in a package from Costco.
It only took about 20 minutes in a hot oven to heat it up.
I apologize if I unintentionally misled you Gentle Readers about the cooking abilities in my house.
And, though it sounds like a tv dinner now, I will add that whoever prepared this did a heckuva job.
It was delicious, even more so the second time around.
If you want to make it from scratch there are many recipes on the Internet.
Or you can cheat a little like we did and find it in the frozen foods section of your supermarket.